Projection screens
Buy projector screens online from the experts!
When it is about the best possible picture quality, a wallpapered or painted room wall is not enough. This is due to the nature and physical properties of projection surfaces.
Gain factor: The light guide
Before you buy a screen, pay attention to the gain factor (luminance factor). This is given as a reflection value. The gain factor of a projector screen determines how much and, above all, in what quality you see the projected image.
Screen format: 1:1, 4:3 or 16:9?
The screen format usually depends on the output format of the projector.
Projector screen types: Installation or mobile screens
The type of screen you choose depends on the space available, the purpose of use and the characteristics of the room and walls. Installation screens are designed for fixed installation on the wall or ceiling. They are suitable for both business and home cinema users. Mobile projector screens are ideal if you are on the road a lot - whether for presentations, lectures, training or workshops.
Screens for ceiling installation: discreet and easy
A projection screen embedded directly in the ceiling is the most elegant mounting solution: When rolled up, it is hardly noticeable and can be conveniently extended at the touch of a button when needed.
If a recessed ceiling screen is located in front of a window front in an office, for example, it can be rolled up after use. This means that daylight is not permanently obscured by the screen.
There are three variants of screen control available for you to choose from:
Modes of operation
You can operate these projection screens either by hand or electrically via a built-in motor:
Screen accessories: More options for easy operation
In our range of accesories you will find suitable brackets (e.g. ceiling and wall brackets) as well as additional operating and control elements such as trigger kits und projection screen remote controls, that offer you more convenience.
For safe transport of your projection screen, we also offer soft cases for tripod screens.
The right screen in 3 steps
Custom built screens
With a custom-made screen, you determine the fabric size, housing colour and additional screen properties. You get the best quality from well-known manufacturers such as celexon and DELUXX.