- ANSI Lumen 1,500 ANSI Lumen
- Resolution 4096 x 2160 4K UHD
- Aspect Ratio 19:10
- Operating noise 26 dB
Product information
Sony VPL-VW320ES weiß - 4K-Beamer fürs High-End Heimkino
Der Sony VPL-VW320ES ist der günstigste, echte 4K-Beamer im Heimkinosegment und spricht dadurch eine große Zahl an Heimkinofans an.
Während die TV Geräte mit 4K-Auflösungen immer mehr werden, tun sich die Beamer in diesem Bereich noch schwer. Allerdings nicht der Sony VPL-VW320ES. Er ist ein echter 4K-Beamer, der mit einem SXRD Panel arbeitet, welches mit 4096 x 2160 Pixeln auflöst. Damit liegt er noch über der UHD Auflösung, wie Sie sie bei DLP 4K-Projektoren finden. Dank seiner hochauflösenden Darstellung erkennen Sie feine Bilddetails, die bei einer Full-HD Auflösung verborgen bleiben. Und wenn Sie eine Bildbreite über 2,5 m planen, bietet gerade ein 4K-Projektor in dieser Situation den Vorteil dass er bei dieser Bildgröße noch eine vernünftige Schärfe an die Leinwand bringt. Somit hat die 4K-Auflösung ihre Vorteile auf verschiedenen Ebenen. Es ist aktuell zwar noch wenig 4K-Content im Vergleich zum Full-HD Content am Markt erhältlich, die Upscaling Möglichkeiten des Projektors und die der aktuellen AV Receiver bieten gute Voraussetzungen für ein attraktives 4K Bild, ohne richtigen 4K Content.
Ohne HDR macht ein 4K-Beamer weniger Spaß. Das hat sich Sony zu Herzen genommen und dem VW320 ein HDR Update gegönnt, damit der Sony VW320 HDR fähig wird. Anfangs verzichtete er noch auf diese Eigenschaft. Mit HDR sorgt der Beamer für einen atemberaubenden Kontrastumfang, der sich auf weit mehr als den Kontrast selbst, sondern ebenso auf die Farben des Bildes auswirkt. HDR lässt ganz neue, erkennbare Welten zu, die Sie zuvor im Bild nicht wahrnahmen konnten. Die High Dynamic Range verleiht dem Bild eine Qualität, die wir in wahren Leben zwar jeden Tag sehen, auf dem Bild selbst bisher noch nicht reproduzierbar waren, was nun möglich ist. Vergleichen Sie einen Sony VPL-VW320ES Test von vor der HDR-Zeit und nun, liegen Welten dazwischen.
Reality Creation
Sonys Reality Creation sorgt für beim 4K-Projektor für eine optimale Bildschärfe. Sie ist so gut, dass sie noch Dinge aus dem Blu-ray Material herausrechnet, die Sie zuvor nicht erahnt hätten. Sie sorgt für deutlich erhöhte Detailgenauigkeit bei den hochauflösenden Bildern. Das sorgt für noch mehr Qualität, als wie sie ursprünglich auf der Blu-ray vorhanden ist. Sie holt das aus dem Material heraus, was die Kamera seinerzeit eingefangen hat und was auf dem Konvertierungsweg verloren gegangen ist.
Die Motionflow Technologie, sprich die Zwischenbildberechnung, sorgt für flüssige Bilder bei schnellen Bildschwenks. Im True Cinema Modus, mit der 24p Wiedergabe wie im Kino, sind viele Nutzer eines Projektors nicht unbedingt glücklich. Damit dass das Bild plastischer wirkt und flüssig dargestellt wird, verfügt der Sony VW320 weiß über die Zwischenbildberechnung. Sie lässt sich in verschiedenen Stufen einstellen, damit Sie das für Sie optimale Bild erzielen können.
Modus für Gamer
Neben Heimkinofans sind natürlich ebenso Gamer eine Zielgruppe für den Sony VW320ES. Und Sony als Hersteller der Playstation ist natürlich direkt an der Quelle, was die Hardware angeht. Beim Gaming geht es zwar ebenso um die Bildqualität wie beim Heimkino, da ist noch ein Punkt, der hier noch wichtiger ist, die Latenz oder anders ausgedrückt, der Lag. Gerade bei Shootern kommt es hier auf eine hohe Geschwindigkeit bei der Bildverarbeitung und der Darstellung an. Der Sony Beamer bietet hierfür einen Modus für geringe Latenz. Damit macht Gaming besonders Spaß!
Ein Punkt, mit dem der Sony VPL-VW320ES ebenfalls aufwartet, ist die Flexibilität der Optik. Er verfügt über einen 2,1fachen Zoom. Er erreicht eine 2 m Bildbreite auf einem Abstand zwischen 280 und 560 cm. Hinzu kommt seine vertikale und horizontale Lens-Shift Funktion. Diese liegt vertikal bei + 85 % / - 80% und horizontal bei +/- 31 %. Hierüber können Sie das Bild optimal auf die Leinwand anpassen. Hinzu kommt, dass sie motorisch arbeitet. Sie können sowohl den Zoom, die Lens-Shift Funktion und den Fokus per Fernbedienung einstellen.
Weitere Features
Neben den genannten Features verfügt der Sony VW320ES über eine Vielzahl weiterer Eigenschaften, die sich positiv auf das Bild und das Handling des Projektors auswirken. Hierzu zählen seine zum HF-3D Standard kompatiblen 3D Brille, seine manuelle HSV-Farbkorrektur und die elektronische Panelausrichtung. Und wenn es um die Steuerung des Projektors geht, ist der Sony VW320 weiß ebenfalls gut aufgestellt. Er ist kompatibel zu Systemen wie AMX, Crestron connected und Control 4.
Der SXRD Projektor nutzt die 4096 x 2160 Pixel der 4K-Auflösung im 16:9 Format. Seine Lichtleistung liegt mit 1500 Lumen auf einem guten Niveau. Im Sony VW320 Test kam er damit stärker zur Geltung, wie Sie auf den ersten Blick vermuten. Sein Kontrast von 300.000:1 kommt ebenfalls gut zur Geltung. In Sachen Betriebsgeräusch liegt er mit 26 dB ebenfalls auf einem ansprechenden Niveau.
In Sachen Schnittstellen bietet der Sony VPL-VW320ES weiß alles was Sie benötigen. Zwei HDMI Schnittstellen sorgen für die Zuspielmöglichkeiten. Für die Steuerung steht eine RS232 und eine LAN Schnittstelle zur Verfügung. Ein Trigger Anschluss sowie eine IR Transmitter Anschluss auf 3,5 mm Klinkenbasis und ein 5V DC USB Anschluss runden die Schnittstellen ab.
Der Sony VPL-VW320ES ist in zwei verschiedenen Gehäusefarben erhältlich. Er ist als weißes Modell erhältlich, welches eher die Nutzer eines Wohnzimmer-Heimkinos anspricht und als schwarzes Modell, welches für den dunklen Heimkinoraum attraktiver ist.
Der Lieferumfang des Projektors besteht aus einem Netzkabel, einer Fernbedienung mit Batterien, einer Kurzanleitung und einer ausführlichen Anleitung auf CD-ROM.
Abschließend lässt sich sagen, dass der Sony VW320 ein wirklich attraktiver 4K-Beamer ist. Abgesehen von der Auflösung bietet er dank HDR, der Reality Creation und der Motionflow Technologie hervorragende Features für die Bildverbesserung. Und was die Flexibilität angeht, trumpft er ebenfalls auf. Natürlich ist der Sony VPL-VW320 Preis nicht so günstig wie der eines Full-HD Beamers, allerdings ist er noch der günstigste 4K-Beamer am Markt.
Technical data
Name | Sony SXRD Projectors 1,500 ANSI Lumen |
Article number | 1110766 |
Manufacturer SKU | VPLVW320ES |
Lamp life (ECO) | 6,000 Hour |
Brand | Sony |
Product Type | Projector |
Application | Home cinema projector Application Ultra-short distance projector: Special short-distance projectors equipped with a wide-angle lens have been developed for conference room and classroom use. These projectors are also usually used for operation with interactive whiteboards. These projectors have the ability to project a large image from a very short distance. Ultra-short distance projectors are extremely popular in presenter circles because, for one thing, the image is not obscured when the presenter is standing in front of the screen. Secondly, the presenter is not or only slightly dazzled by the projector. An increase in this effect is offered by ultra-short distance projectors, which project the correspondingly large image from a distance of only a few centimetres. |
Projector Type | SXRD Projector Type DLP: DLP is a projection technique. With DLP technology, the light is sent through a rotating colour wheel. The newer DLP beamers have already increased the number of colour segments on the rotating colour wheel from six to up to eight in order to achieve better colour mixing. The coloured light is beamed onto a DLP chip where there are micro-mirrors. There is one micro-mirror per pixel. From each individual micro-mirror, an image is beamed through the lens onto the projection screen, where an image now appears. Rainbow effect: The rainbow effect basically occurs with all 1-chip DLP projectors. However, only about one third of all users notice this effect. When images are generated by DLP projectors, a specific colour of the colour wheel is successively projected onto the screen for each pixel and interpreted by the viewer's eye as a respective colour with a specific brightness/intensity. The more segments the colour wheel of a DLP projector has and the faster it rotates or the DLP chip is controlled, the smaller the rainbow effect. A flashing of the colours of the colour wheel (red-green-blue, possibly others) is then perceptible, partly with complete, also still images, partly with moving images, but especially at edges between bright and dark image areas. The effect can also be observed in high-contrast or dark images, or when the image content changes rapidly, e.g. in action films. Viewers who notice this effect report, among other things, from slight headaches to severe headaches and dizziness. LCD: LCD (liquid crystal display) is a projection technology. Lamp light is split by a dichroic mirror into its three primary colours: red, green and blue (3LCD). The split light is filtered by the polysilicon liquid crystal panel working for each colour. This creates monochrome images that are superimposed by a prism to create a picture on the screen. Particularly high-quality beamers use four panels (4LCD). With 4LCD beamers, the colour yellow is also separated. This enhancement emphasises the display of yellow. LCoS: LcoS is a projection technique. This technology also uses liquid panels, but the panels are not illuminated as with LCD technology. There are mirrors behind the panels that are similar to DLP technology. These mirrors significantly reduce the fly screen effect and achieve higher contrast values. Rear projection: Many projectors are suitable for so-called rear projection. For rear projection, an appropriately translucent screen is required (rear projection screen). For rear projection, the projector is positioned behind the screen and the corresponding mode is switched on in the projector menu. This function ensures that the image is mirrored. The advantage of rear projection is that the image is not obscured in the area in front of the screen when people walk in front of the image in the cone of light between the projector and the screen. For rear projection, projectors with higher light output are needed, as a lot of light is lost when passing through the screen. Since screens with rear projection surfaces have a high gain factor, the viewing angle decreases, so the audience should be positioned as centrally as possible in front of the screen. This type of rear projection is particularly popular in the event industry. Short-distance projectors: Special short-distance projectors equipped with a wide-angle lens have been developed for conference room and classroom use. These projectors are also commonly used for operation with interactive whiteboards. Short-distance projectors have the property of projecting a large image from a very short distance. This feature is extremely popular in presenter circles because, on the one hand, little of the image is obscured when the presenter is standing in front of the screen. Secondly, the presenter is not or only slightly dazzled by the projector. An increase in this effect is offered by ultra-short distance projectors, which project the correspondingly large image from only a few centimetres away. |
Technology | SXRD Technology LED: LED is a lighting technology. With LED technology, diodes are used as illuminants and not conventional UHP lamps. The advantage of this technology is that the diodes do not use a filament and practically do not consume energy. However, LEDs have a more bluish colour range than UHP lamps, which is why the image is often perceived as somewhat colder. Colour wheel: Besides the DMD chip, the colour wheel is one of the most important criteria for image generation in DLP projectors. The colour wheel rotates constantly at extremely high speed and currently has 3, 4, 5 or, in some cases, even more colour segments. Through the colour wheel, the light from the projector lamp is alternately broken down into the primary colours red, green and blue practically without interruption. In modern projectors, the colour wheel also contains white and sometimes other colours such as cyan, magenta and yellow. With 3 segments, the colour wheel rotates at 3600 or 7200 rpm, with 7 segments at up to 14400 rpm. (4x speed). Each colour perceived by the eye in a DLP projector is therefore an extremely fast sequence of individual, differently coloured light beams until the actual processing. Because this technology sometimes does not use all the colour positions of the colour wheel for high-contrast images, or because the colours required for colour mixing are arranged far apart on the wheel, some viewers recognise the rainbow effect. This characteristic is more noticeable with slower colour wheels and slower rotation speeds than with projectors with faster and more frequently segmented colour wheels. |
Projector lamp type | Lamp |
Lamp code | LMP-H220 |
ANSI Lumen | 1,500 ANSI Lumen |
Resolution | 4096 x 2160 4K UHD Resolution Resolution: The resolution of a projector is the maximum number of image points (pixels) that a projector can display based on its naturally existing technology, i.e. without conversion or cropping of the image. The native resolution is the number of pixels that a projector physically has to display the image. A projector usually interpolates a resolution when it receives an image signal with a higher resolution than the native one. If this is the case, there may be a lack of image detail or general blurring in the displayed image. If a projector receives an image signal with a lower resolution than the native, it also interpolates, it scales the image up to the native resolution, calculates corresponding additional pixels, if possible without changing the image information. The disadvantage here is that although the image is displayed larger than fed, the original individual pixels may become much more visible as they are multiplied by the conversion. 4K: 4K refers to the resolution of 3840 x 2160 or Ultra High Definition Television (UHDTV). This resolution corresponds to 4 times the resolution of Full HD. To record films with this resolution, special cameras are needed that can record at around 8 megapixels (4K). Full HD: The term Full HD is used to describe devices that can physically display or output HDTV signals in full (1920 x 1080 pixels). 1080p: 1080p is the specification of the vertical picture lines. Among other things, it refers to the resolution 1920 x 1080. The "p" in this case means full frames, so all picture lines are displayed simultaneously. 1080i: 1080i is the specification of the vertical picture lines. The "i" in this case means fields. This signal is usually displayed interpolated (e.g. by devices with a 1280 x 720 HDready resolution). The interpolation digitally adds pixels, but also offers a slight blurring. In contrast, 1080p playback uses full frames. |
Aspect Ratio | 19:10 Aspect Ratio Format: The projected image is output in a format (aspect ratio) specified by the projector. The format is also determined by the resolution of the projector (see also the entry "Resolution"). The screen format is usually selected on the basis of the format of the beamer image. The most common formats are 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10. |
Contrast Ratio | 300,000 :1 Contrast Ratio Contrast: The contrast reflects the gradations between the lightest and darkest point. This is determined from white to grey to black. The higher the contrast, the more precisely the individual gradations between the respective sections can be recognised. In real use, however, the contrast actually only plays a role in darkened rooms, as the light counteracts the contrast. Therefore, contrast plays a rather subordinate role in presentation devices. It should also be noted that the contrast is determined differently depending on the technology. This often results in very different values on paper. Black level: The black level indicates the lowest light value of the projection that is achieved when projecting a black image. The better the black level, the more the dark colours / black tones are emphasised in the image. |
Operating noise | 26 dB Operating noise Operating noise: Naturally, every projector produces an operating noise due to the cooling function of the ventilation fan. This is specified by the manufacturer in the data sheet in dB (decibels). In Eco mode, the projectors are quieter than in normal operation due to the reduced output. However, the manufacturers' specifications do not always correspond to reality, as there is no standardised measurement procedure for this measurement. Thus, the projectors cannot be compared exactly by the volume specification. Decibel (dB): Naturally, every projector emits an operating noise caused by the cooling function of the ventilation fan. This is specified by the manufacturer in the data sheet in dB (decibels). In Eco mode, the projectors are quieter than in normal operation due to the reduced output. However, the manufacturers' specifications do not always correspond to reality, as there is no standardised measurement procedure for this measurement. Thus, the projectors are not exactly comparable by the volume specification. Volume: Naturally, every projector produces an operating noise due to the cooling function of the ventilation fan. This is indicated by the manufacturer in the data sheet in dB (decibels). In Eco mode, the projectors are quieter than in normal operation due to the reduced output. However, the manufacturers' specifications do not always correspond to reality, as there is no standardised measurement procedure for this measurement. Thus, the projectors are not exactly comparable in terms of volume. |
Operating noise - ECO | 26 dB Operating noise - ECO Operating noise: Naturally, every projector produces an operating noise due to the cooling function of the ventilation fan. This is specified by the manufacturer in the data sheet in dB (decibels). In Eco mode, the projectors are quieter than in normal operation due to the reduced output. However, the manufacturers' specifications do not always correspond to reality, as there is no standardised measurement procedure for this measurement. Thus, the projectors cannot be compared exactly by the volume specification. Decibel (dB): Naturally, every projector emits an operating noise caused by the cooling function of the ventilation fan. This is specified by the manufacturer in the data sheet in dB (decibels). In Eco mode, the projectors are quieter than in normal operation due to the reduced output. However, the manufacturers' specifications do not always correspond to reality, as there is no standardised measurement procedure for this measurement. Thus, the projectors are not exactly comparable by the volume specification. Volume: Naturally, every projector produces an operating noise due to the cooling function of the ventilation fan. This is indicated by the manufacturer in the data sheet in dB (decibels). In Eco mode, the projectors are quieter than in normal operation due to the reduced output. However, the manufacturers' specifications do not always correspond to reality, as there is no standardised measurement procedure for this measurement. Thus, the projectors are not exactly comparable in terms of volume. |
Lamp life | 6,000 Hour Lamp life Lamp life: The lamp life is specified by the manufacturer once in normal mode and once in eco mode. Depending on which mode the projector is used in, the lamp may last less or longer. However, the lamp life also depends on the duration of use. The longer a projector is in operation, the sooner it can lose its service life. Furthermore, external influences such as dust or nicotine can lead to a reduction in the service life. In order to ensure a longer lamp life, appropriate maintenance of the unit is necessary. Maintenance means that the air filter of LCD projectors should be vacuumed out frequently or replaced completely if there is a corresponding build-up of dirt. The exact service life of a projector cannot be determined exactly because of this. In order to accommodate the user, the various manufacturers offer different lamp warranty conditions for their devices. For example, one year on the lamp or up to 1000 lamp hours, whichever comes first. However, this varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and can be found in the specific data sheets. |
Minimum Projection Distance | 0 cm |
Maximum Projection Distance | 0 cm |
Minimum Projection Ratio | 1.38 Minimum Projection Ratio Projection ratio: The projection ratio indicates at which projection distance a corresponding image width is achieved. This value depends on the lens installed.Example 1 - Calculating the distance: Projection ratio 1.4-1.8:1 Desired image width = 300cm Result: 420 - 540 cm distance (300 x 1.4 or 1.8). Example 2 - Calculation of possible image widths: Projection ratio 1.4-1.8:1 Projection distance = 560cm Result: 311 - 400cm image width (560 / 1.4 or 1.8). |
Maximum Projection Ratio | 2.83 Maximum Projection Ratio Projection ratio: The projection ratio indicates at which projection distance a corresponding image width is achieved. This value depends on the lens installed.Example 1 - Calculating the distance: Projection ratio 1.4-1.8:1 Desired image width = 300cm Result: 420 - 540 cm distance (300 x 1.4 or 1.8). Example 2 - Calculation of possible image widths: Projection ratio 1.4-1.8:1 Projection distance = 560cm Result: 311 - 400cm image width (560 / 1.4 or 1.8). |
Minimum Lens-Shift Horizontal | -31% |
Maximum Lens-Shift Horizontal | 31% |
Minimum Lens-Shift Vertical | -80% |
Maximum Lens-Shift Vertical | 85% |
Lens Zoom | 2.1 |
Inputs | 1x Ethernet , 1x RS232 , 1x USB-A , 2x HDMI Inputs HDMI: Digital connection for the transmission of picture & sound. Necessary for high-resolution picture quality (HDTV). Since HDMI 1.4 (High Speed) suitable for transmission of 3D content in Full HD. For high-resolution picture quality in UHD, 4K or HDR, the connection via HDMI 2.0a and higher is suitable. HDMI 2.1 or higher should be used from 120Hz refresh rate in 4K. VGA: The VGA connector is a 15-pin connector for analogue image transmission. It is also called DSub15 and is often found on notebooks and PCs. Compared to the other analogue connections, it offers good picture quality. It can be screwed to the input or output device and can be adapted to YUV with a suitable configuration. DisplayPort: The DisplayPort connection is a VESA-standardised connection for the transmission of image and sound data. In addition to HDCP encryption, DPCP is also supported. Due to its compact size, the connection is most commonly used in notebooks. An extra small variant is the MiniDisplayPort, which is used especially with Apple devices. DVI: DVI (Digital Visual Interface) is an interface for the transmission of video data. Only analogue signals can be transmitted via DVi-A, only digital signals via DVI-D and both types of signals via DVI-I. USB: USB (Universal Serial Bus) is used to control and manage the projector (USB-B). With some business devices, office files and images can also be presented directly with a USB stick or a mouse can be connected via the USB input (USB-A). Toslink: The Toslink connection is an optical signal connection that works on an optical fibre basis. It is used for the digital transmission of audio signals. The optical design offers a lower susceptibility to interference from external magnetic and electrical influences. The connection is mostly used in the area of DVD / Blu-ray players and comparable devices in connection with an AV receiver, if these work with dts or Dolby Digital signals. YUV: The YUV connection, also called Y Cb/Pb Cr/Pr or component connection, is an analogue video connection with three channels (light intensity and two colour channels). Qualitatively, it is the best analogue video connection. Component cable: The YUV connector transmits analogue signals over three cables (Y=black and white UV=colours). YUV is used to transmit HDTV and is compatible with Cinch, for example. S-Video: The S-Video connection is also called S-VHS or Hosiden connection. Compared to the Cinch video connection, it works with two channels (brightness/colour). In terms of quality, it is somewhat better than the Cinch video connection, but there are also limitations. These can be explained by the susceptibility of the signal, which is reflected in picture distortions, for example. Cinch: The cinch video connection is also called composite connection. To make it easier to recognise, it is usually sheathed in yellow. Since the transmission is only via one channel, the picture quality is on a low level. D-Sub15: The VGA connector is a 15-pin connector for image transmission on an analogue basis. It is also called DSub15 and is often found on notebooks and PCs. Compared to the other analogue connectors, it offers good picture quality. It can be screwed to the input or output device and can be adapted to YUV with a suitable configuration. RS232: The RS232 interface can be used to control or manage the projector. Mini Jack: With a single-pin Mini Jack, mono audio signals can be transmitted, with a two-pin stereo audio signals and with a three-pin stereo audio signals and image data can be transmitted. Scart: Scart is a connector that can be used to transmit analogue audio and video signals. It is compatible with other analogue connections such as RCA or S-Video. ARC: The audio return channel, also called ARC or audio return channel, was introduced with HDMI version 1.4 to reduce the amount of cabling between HDMI components. The audio return channel runs via the existing HDMI cable. Therefore, an additional cable for the sound no longer needs to be connected. However, both devices must support ARC. All audio file formats that are also transmitted via the SPDIF interface can be transmitted via the audio return channel. These include Dolby Digital, Digital Theatre Sound and PCM audio. As an example, a connection between a TV (including receiver) and an AV receiver could be made via an HDMI cable. The sound from the TV is fed back via the HDMI cable. Previously, an additional digital cable (coaxial or Tos-Link) was required for the audio signals. |
Features | Lens Shift |
Product width | 49.6 cm |
Product height | 20.2 cm |
Product depth | 46.4 cm |
Weight | 14 kg |
Colour | White |
Condition | New |
Warranty | 36 Month |
Warranty type | Bringin service Service and support information |
Manufacturer's warranty information:
Here you will find more detailed information on the different types of warranty. Please refer to our manufacturer overview for contact details and warranty conditions for the corresponding warranty claim. Statutory warranty rights are not restricted by an additional manufacturer's warranty. Our liability for defects is governed by law. Defect rights can be claimed free of charge.