On-site services

With our visunext services, hardly any wish remains unfulfilled! We assemble and install for you on request any technology from our company: Starting from projectors and screens to displays, video walls and video conferencing systems.

**Zuschläge bei Vor-Ort-Service: 75,00€ Anfahrtspauschale zzgl. km (nach Abrechnung), 0,35€ km Pauschale, 35,00€ Kleinteile & Verbrauchsmaterial, 125,00€ Techniker vor Ort / h

Preise exkl. MwSt.

Unsere Produkt Highlights

Tobias Berg and Oliver Stenzel - contact persons in Purchasing and Sales - write on glass pane

Do you still have questions?

We are also happy to advise you personally - we look forward to your call or mail! If you would prefer us to call you back free of charge, simply leave us your contact details now.